You’ve probably read the acronyms, DE, APHA, NE and so on, but do you know who they are and what they do.

This handy post will tell you what you need to know about these organisations in terms of how they relate to badgers.


Responsible for improving and protecting the environment, growing a green economy and supporting food, farming and fishing industries.  Overall body that sets regulations, targets, policy on all of above.

  • In relation to badgers:
    • Set tb strategy, provide guidance (to other agencies e.g NE)
    • Collate all cull, cattle and wildlife tb data
    • Produce annual reports
    • Carry out tb / badger related scientific study (impact of culling on other species)
    • Works with a number of Executive Agencies (inc. Rural Payments Agency, Environment Agency, Natural England & Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC))
  • Contact them for:
    • Data / policy via FOI 

The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and also works on behalf of the Scottish Government and Welsh Government.  It merged the former Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) with parts of the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to create a single agency responsible for animal, plant and bee health.   

  • In relation to badgers:
    • Collate all vaccination data
    • Carry out tb / badger related scientific study (e.g. badger and cattle vaccination and DIVA test field trials, work at Woodchester Park)
    • Assess causes of tb herd breakdowns (risk pathways approach)
    • Produce epidemiological reports on tb
  • Contact them for:
    • Badger vaccination training
    • Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme (BEVS 2) Funding
Natural England

The government’s advisor for the natural environment in England, established by an Act of Parliament in 2006. Carry out number of statutory and regulatory functions including assessing, designating and monitoring protected sites (SSSIs, National Nature Reserves, Marine Conservation Zones) and delivering CS and HLS schemes. 

  • In relation to badgers:
    • Carry out all statutory functions (badger licensing damage to land, development and including cull, monitoring and enforcement)
    • Provide advice on planning consultations
    • Issue guidance for consultants and other agencies on planning
    • Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (on behalf of HSE)
    • Developed a guide to badgers and development (not yet updated)  
  • Contact them for:
    • All badger licenses including vaccination, sett work and closure (inc FOIs on these)
    • Breaches to licences
    • Suspected poisoning cases
Welsh Government

Responsible for improving and protecting the environment, growing a green economy and supporting food, farming and fishing industries.  Overall body that sets regulations, targets, policy on all of above.

  • In relation to badgers:
    • Set tb strategy, provide guidance (to other agencies e.g NRW)
    • Collate and report all cull, cattle and wildlife tb data and manages compensation scheme in Wales
    • Badger vaccination project (Badger vaccination grant scheme 2019)
    • Issue badger licences for a number of purposes including culling (but not development)
  • Contact them for:
    • Data / policy via FOI 
    • Badger licence work
Natural Resources Wales

The government’s advisor for the natural environment in Wales, in 2013 amalgamating Countryside Council for Wales, Forestry Commission Wales and the Environment Agency in Wales.  Carry out a number of statutory and regulatory functions including assessing, designating and monitoring protected sites. 

  • In relation to badgers:
    • Licensing functions (badger licensing including for development and science and conservation purposes)
    • Provide advice on planning consultations
    • Issue guidance for consultants and other agencies on planning
  • Contact them for:
    • A number of badger licences including development but also scientific and conservation purposes 
    • Breaches to licenses
Environment Agency

Within England responsible for regulating major industry and waste, treatment of contaminated land, water quality and resources, fisheries, inland river, estuary and harbour navigations and conservation and ecology.

  • In relation to badgers:
    • EA is a statutory consultee to the cull (with regards badger carcasses) 
  • Contact them for:
    • Badger sett damage issues to rivers and streams 
    • EA have their own operational badger class licence